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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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princess to the school individual in touch with the who tell me tell you it's a good girl how would international floods achieve every green little fetal in tokyo. japan is in a race against time to prevent a nuclear disaster as a team of workers risked their lives to save the country from a radiation leak and a possible meltdown at the paralyzed power plant. and she is desperately trying to restore power to the cooling systems and. head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog says japan must. quote sleep. meanwhile beyond japan's shores panic is spreading faster than radiation people in russia's far east stock up on preventive medicines needlessly putting their health at risk. and in other news this hour libya's government declares an immediate cease fire and an end
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to military operations just hours after the u.n. backs a british french sponsored resolution to impose a no fly zone. with r.t. life for moscow where it's now or just after four pm on friday another u.n. nuclear agency has a warning but the battle to stabilize your plans crippled fukushima nuclear plant is a race against the clock there are continuing efforts to try to cool the overheated reactors at the facility stricken by a massive earthquake and tsunami about a week ago on a seven stage international scale measuring the severity of the situation in motion c. has moved from four to five that's just about two levels behind the nine hundred eighty six child noble disaster. bennett has more. right now they're still trying to
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reconnect power to the site so they can get those cooling systems up and running and bring the temperature down inside the racks but it seems like the only way they're now going to prevent what could be a real nuclear disaster they're now focusing on reactor number two because this morning they actually saw smoke rising from the reactor they don't know what the cause was about i don't think it was an explosion because that wasn't heard clearly the temperature inside is very hot sauce they've already managed to do was to lay a power cable from the main bridge a kilometer long cable to try and restore power but they haven't managed to connect that up yet the radiation is very high still and also the. casing of the reactor the containment vessel was badly damaged in the explosion that happened earlier this week now in the meantime they are trying everything they can to try and keep the temperature down to try to cool the reactors there. off of the first four actually have explosions since the earthquake for example yesterday at reactor number three they doused in sixty four tons of water from
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a caucus from above and water cannons from below and the early hours of this morning at tokyo fire department they sent thirty fire engines to the throwing everything they got at this the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog the international atomic energy agency who's in tokyo right now meeting with the japanese prime minister he came out and said that to prevent this turning into a full scale nuclear disaster they're going to have to cooperate with the international help the government spokesman is the chief cabinet secretary has come out and said but although there are very high radiation readings in some places he says that it doesn't pose a direct negative effect to one's health because in these places it's not coming into direct human contact however a number of countries actually don't believe this and what they are doing is actually wanting their citizens not to go within fifty kilometers of a nuclear power plant whereas the japanese government has imposed an exclusion zone of twenty kilometers tell. reasons within thirty to stay away and yesterday i
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retired because two little bit from the east coast who was who she meant we think i can't see what residence. this is the town of o.-r. i-a around halfway between tokyo and fukushima i'm still a hundred fifty kilometers south of the nuclear power plant but already the radiation levels here over double that of those in tokyo the geiger counter i've got just started beeping wildly and shot up to no zero point five month receive it's per hour it's not harmful to one's health especially just yet but it is certainly a concern so much so that the army has started to hand out these face masks here but people are wearing these and they're going to make you very afraid of the radiation who can do very much vaunted all we can do is follow the media and trust and government is saying. this is not me did actually come in this far inland but the town escaped most of the damage however since the earthquake they've been
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without drinking water here and the residents have to come and fill up the water they need from points like this in the town of incense up by the army further up the coast it's a similar story we've been traveling along this road for the last ten fifteen kilometers looking for a place to have lunch but none of the restaurants are open for their true taking of the week until we can open. we can't do anything without water. this is the start of japan's ravaged east coast and irene like other there bridges lie strewn all over the place here so walls collapsed over here houses of fallen down such as the force of the tsunami this is also the point where we're going to turn back because they guided counties reading the highest it has done all day one point zero four might receive its plan how incompetent my fear is that i won't be able to live here anymore and this is my home obviously here for my health for the radiation but it's not just that i'm afraid i will be able to come back here we're only around a hundred and twenty kilometers south of fukushima power plant now if the wind
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blows this way and even worse if the rain comes in the radiation will shortz arrive to inforce. been reporting right there where the fate of millions of japanese now lies in the hands of just a few dozen they're known as the faceless fifty seam of workers putting their lives on the line to stop the nuclear disaster at the fukushima plant but he's a really cool sky looks at how the man sometimes has to sacrifice himself when technology fails. mankind's modern marvels can come to nothing when nature strikes days after the fukushima plants first explosion japan's leaders implore everyone to stay calm helicopters and water cannons deployed to cool the reactors yet the situation remains critical the japanese government has insisted that only a ten kilometer radius was necessary for evacuation this was the status quo when
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the earthquake hit and so we're already grave we've already brady high and they are so great and evacuating and issuing evacuation orders also there is very very little environmental monitoring provided are correct information to people. and his government is saying they're trying to protect the japanese people but you cannot protect them from going reality in one thousand nine hundred six and soviet union mobilized thousands of people to battle the nuclear disaster at janov will depend now has the faceless fifty anonymous workers putting themselves up against radiation to keep the reactors from nuclear meltdown i don't think crisis can be averted. the radiation exposure is are so high and say that i don't think human beings can get into the areas that need to be accessed in order to put a fire or to put fires out and also to get water into locations where the heat is
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the highest this is union essentially ordered its citizens to separate fires their lies to radiation and valley litter novel the aftermath woodworkers are meeting a focus imari doing so willingly the main question is whether their efforts prove to be enough to keep the situation from taking a turn for the worse certainly their lives or immediately at stake. and clearly they have sacrificed any kind of long life by being there to canady as i had nasty habit of turning against humans. and when that happens the equipment doesn't yet exist to send machines in keeping things right in the end it takes human risk and sacrifice to prevent a technological tragedy from becoming a large scale catastrophe in tokyo in a gold called party time now if i want this weekend across life it ought to kill charm he's a political scientist and editor in chief of political magazine the fourth. hello
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to you so in a recent article you penned i've just been reading through it just now and you're saying that the catastrophe at the fukushima power plant was manmade as a result of human error can you expand on that if. you know japanese know you know one of the most technologically advanced nation in the wall we are a lot less well very much ready to take care of the natural disasters. is the all asian or experienced now i'm concluding five nuclear you know disaster of the war you know but war people are surprised the japanese blood on almost none. since. we're all ready to. play on. the secrecy particularly in
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regards to nuclear power clone what dr chen let's talk about this the so-called secrecy that you refer to because in your article you make a reference to another story in the new york times that says the warnings were stark and issued repeatedly as far back as nine hundred seventy two about the cooling systems of these g.e. general electric made nuclear power plants so we're saying that the warnings were there for the cooling systems if they ever felt going back to all that a nine hundred seventy two so is there a level of secrecy here why why i have to speak has this been just put aside ignored i believe it is not only limited to the japanese government in total secrecy in all its nuclear power will notice also united states cheveley will not while on. a plane nor on one nineteen it's nearly all it's cheaper and smaller needs to appeal their
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reason the reason it's preferred to build new. poll only it's. really hard to even do you or. me or our. hearts are not built to endure as you say an earthquake or tsunami damage or. is it private companies such as general electric who should be held responsible for for what is a potential meltdown in the future or all why is the government the japanese government taking full responsibility here where does the plane lie. i believe we should call it complex one hundred sixty one depressed in a way either. impending think danger of the military that your complex nuclear power play i mean the same as nuclear weapons
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issues i believe what we seem to. want really should learn from this. in japan's fukushima power plant is a list of fundamental issues new. weapons nuclear power play and. still complex. on the same as when you. are going to go into shock if i could be real interrupt you just for a moment if i may just for a moment forgive me the the danger level of this disaster in japan has been raised to a category a five out of seven that's not far behind the threat level of what happened noble back in the mid eighty's the japanese government insists it's not withholding any information though it says there's no imminent threat to or to people's health and she said the government is being truthful about the level of this threat. i don't
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believe so even german got on their challenge to do it and you scrabble not you but u.s. government challenging they are telling the german government pulling their. ship as we all do american government is also pulling their own citizens from the church and so the human eye. does now are the story of product news and we do not know what's really going on at the moment who should mark colvin situation and i believe the japanese government most comparable would let it assess the wall party norms of what's going on here. international body and the nations around in helpless situations the worst scenario nuclear disaster can be prevented. in the region here. chung live for us from beijing them thank you for your insight thank you
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thank you for the fear of radiation contamination from japan's troubled nuclear plant is spreading and well beyond the country's shores people in russia's neighboring far east are panic buying preventive medicines and radiation because this one seems like an incredible reports and spheres could prove far more damaging for their health than a real threat. maybe. the news arriving from japan is very worrying and for their concern they are closing nuclear plants but they measure of from disaster and difficulties it's hard not to be gripped by panic when the world's high and mighty are sounding the alarm the closer you are typical shima the bigger your chances of making up the virus which is grabbing more so they are not a physicist or a doctor people in russia's far is divided from japan by a strip of water four hundred miles across the quickest to react.
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but my friend called me and said she's leaving the city i'm not in such panic yet but i'm already taking iodine just in case. but radiation levels remain completely normal and doctors are forced into sounding a different kind of alarm is that the president says that if anything really serious happens there things like consuming large amounts of all red wine that's what people often say they're going to do such things won't help quite the reverse they may seriously damage their health because i don't function well and it may well happen and probably will as well everything in japan goes back to normal many of our people who have problems with their following plans. everyone wants to be on top of official reports preparing for the unknown and many go even further buying personal radiation meters geiger counters price is no object. in the last three
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days we sold out during the monthly stock of geiger counters we now have to turn to our suppliers for an additional shipment of taking reasonable precautions there's no but i think at all unless panic threatens to become worse than the catastrophe itself that was the case with the outbreak of the h one n one swine flu virus which helped drug companies earn billions today in russia spar is the transport companies and pharmacies are cashing in on the pike but at stake is the region's largest business fishing. it accounts for eighty percent of liver stocks a corner me russia's largest city on the pacific ocean local restaurants offering fresh seafood from the waters off japan are already losing clients customers are afraid of radioactive fish even histeria continues wholesale fish markets could be next to suffer meaning no silver lining to
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a radioactive cloud that may never arrive exceeding a great show for our t.v. talk you can follow all the latest news from japan on our twitter and facebook pages links to our video coverage by updates. if. you. you're with r.t. and turning to the rapidly developing situation in libya now the government that says it's declaring an immediate ceasefire and an end to military operations when it comes across the u.k.
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and other countries prepared to enforce a no fly zone over libya after receiving u.n. security council backing him on this not about his policy it was in the capital tripoli for us. paula so interesting developments here perhaps is kathy finally feeling the pressure of the u.n. on this resolution the only thing missing and also means with the u.k. and france getting ready to enforce this no fly zone. well except here's an interesting turnaround of events we've just heard from the foreign minister what is a concept saying that they will be an immediate cease fire and that the country is stopping all military operations he says that this is because libya is a fully fledged member of the united nations and as such it is obliged to accept all u.n. resolutions not he spoke just a few minutes ago here in the capital city to police he read from the statement he was used to take questions from any of us reporters he would say that he did state that the country was offering all of the managerial aid and he said it was obliged to protect foreigners and foreign assets of interests and also again what it was i
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thought dialogue he said it was important that all lines of communication were open and he again urged the international community to stay in fact finding missions here we know that eight african union delegation is expected later today it's. more of the foreign minister interest lies in that when these international missions come they will be able to establish for themselves the facts in the ground and understand the confusion based on what this means though for the international community we haven't had any of the sponsors but certainly we know from this morning statement that the situation here in tripoli has been tense officials has been concerned in terms of what it means in the coming hour with a no fly zone is implemented. paula there are fears that imposing as you say the no fly zone combined with a full scale military intervention is that what people in libya are worried about because i've seen stories here to say that rebel forces reacted with joy to the u.n. resolution in their benghazi stronghold what more can you tell us all about it. but
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it's a bit of page which flashes on who you're talking to and whose opinions you are taking in benghazi itself the the celebrations there have continued since late late last night when that resolution was announced a final word take a quick statement have been fired in celebration people they very satisfied that the international community is finally coming to the assistance of the rebel fighters who go many fearing that it might be a little bit too late here in tripoli so he a very different situation people are angry people are cautious and it is interesting that the foreign minister has not stepped forward and course with these five because it flies in the face of what we're hearing from duffy and his sons themselves they were saying that they will be x. with me there will be act immediately and they will retaliate keep these international calls for a no fly zone mission and france has been at the first front of pushing forward to have heard from both governments that they will be able to deploy they will says in re coming now with that is why the expectation here on the ground is that we could see a no fly zone being implemented as soon as today but it remains to be seen what happens
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now in light of the foreign minister's comments they were five countries at the u.n. that stayed from indorsing this no fly zone among them was russia the russian ambassador was the u.n. folks claiming the russian position. well it wasn't just government it was up to in essence a whole range of questions raised by the russian federation and other security council members remain questions which were both concrete and legitimate questions regarding how the no fly zone would be enforced would the rules of engagement would be limited to the use of force provisions were introduced into the text potentially opening the door to large scale military intervention responsibility for the inevitable humanitarian consequences of the excessive use of outside force in libya will fall fair and square on the shoulders of those who might undertake such actions if this happens then not only the civilian population of libya but also the cause of holding peace and security throughout the whole region of north africa and the middle east can suffer there's a need to avoid such destabilizing developments so. we haven't yet seen any
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difference on terms of the reality on the ground since the announcement of the no fly zone late last night and since there's a recent announcement by the foreign minister of a cease fire fighting does continue in this router which is the third largest city here we continue to hear reports there were people being killed at the same time the town of being garvey remains on high alert for the last word from the government specifically related to benghazi was that it was not for instance but that it's going to circle the town and it has been going to stay in the east and a special unit specifically antiterrorist which is five to deal with the situation so really it remains to be seen what actually develops in the coming hours so indeed as you as you were saying they are cease fire has been out of the violence continues i'm sure that you have if you like close watch on those forces course in a lot of tripoli thinking. right now we're continuing our coverage on the rest across the arab world thirty have died in the capital of yemen security forces
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opened fire on protesters scores of. police to prevent demonstrated leaving a main square protesters demanding that president. stand down in a number of rallies. over recent weeks but are usually met with police response. to every coach now where witnesses have reported tiny troops destroying cars and buildings in the capital followed a deadly mortar attack in which people who don't like the attack happened in a district held by fighters opposed to disputed president mohammad like throw his opponent on a sunday what is the internationally recognized winner of last november's elections . and leaders in pakistan's tribal regions have expressed outrage for approached us and drone attack killed forty civilians most of the dead were elderly policeman taking part in an open air meeting pakistan and even the ally during the u.s.
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led war in afghanistan the drone program remains a controversial part of america's separations in that region following a whole series of attacks leading to civilian casualties. right now top of the business update we penetrate. thank you rory finance ministers from the g. seven a group of the world's richest nations have agreed to step into currency markets and try to control japan's volatile currency and the first time in a decade of the g. seven i jointly and civilians in the money markets on wednesday the yen hit its highest level against the dollar since world war two strengthening to seventy six and a quarter in u.s. trading but it fell back in later sessions only trading at around eighty two dollars the stick lining sharply analysts say a coordinated effort by the world's biggest economies would have a bigger impact than the japanese central bank acting alone while the bank of japan
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injected another thirty seven billion dollars into market on friday to try and shore up confidence and ensure liquidity japan's central bank has already injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the country's financial sector a. second look at how asia's markets were performing on friday reaction to g seven intervention to curb the yen saw japanese shares jump of nearly three percent while the currency itself tumbles investors were also showing some optimism that further radiation leakage could be contained that the bush team a nuclear plant stock markets elsewhere in asia also rose in the g seven because they realized global markets hong kong's hang seng closed up just a notch on friday. europe the markets are also on the rise with investors appreciating improvements and world stock in commodity markets that's on the back of g. seven meeting and slightly coming news coming from japan as of course the other dax up around well one point seven and one point one percent respectively to russia's stock markets slightly retreating from earlier gains in the morning however the
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r.t.s. is still up point six percent whereas the nice legs is just a notch down while related stocks are leading the board trend as commodity prices continue to grow in the morning though they're retreating at the moment take a look at those crude prices. down from early games in the red so almost a dollar for brant just half of the light sweet this is libya's foreign minister declared a cease fire and said the government would stop military operations the situation in japan is also under the spotlight as the reconstruction the quake hit countries likely to boost world demand given the extent of damage and energy analysts told him on to back says the upward trend especially for light sweet crude is likely to keep its course. there's going to be of course more demand to account for the loss of libya for our sweet crude oil the amount of sleep crude oil but it's produced in the world it's already maxed out saw some of the beneficiaries are going to be with
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south africa who produces very high quality oil algeria as well as well as in siberia and light for rings as well we receive some of the ops side that is caused by the loss leader but it's not like people have turned off sweet crude oil production for years so what is going to happen is just a reaction in the price of this cruel where you can find out more information on these stories another business news on our web site that started on forwards last business we will be back in fifteen minutes time will not play rory's actual headlines to say that.
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sports is political in ways we don't often even notice especially on the level of culture where our ideas and attitudes as a society are shaped. when it. serves the ties between professional football in the u.s. military have existed since the start of the n.f.l. back in one thousand twenty that one nation should amend say during world war two and today that bond is stronger than ever and won't be incented if we can all feel kill kill anyone can you kill a little bit of recent history has taught us that sports never just something that
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we just sit back and mock at sports always had an important social function and the history of american sports is no different. wealthy british style. is not the type of. car. market finance scandal. why no one should really happening to the global. me with max cons are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our key. download the official application q i phone or i pod touch from the i.q. saps to. lunch on sea life on the go.


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